Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Homemade Maple Syrup

So this morning my oldest daughter wanted her usual toast for breakfast.  For a while I've been making my own English Muffin Bread or a Wheat Flax Seed Meal Bread that she's been eating in the morning.  (I'll create a post for each of those breads later on) I realize we are out of bread.  So I decided I would make waffles for my girls.  I looked in the pantry and see that I'm very low on syrup. Doh!  So much for the waffle idea.
But wait!  I remembered I pinned a homemade maple syrup recipe.  Perfect opportunity to try it.  I looked at the recipe and I had all the ingredients: sugar, brown sugar, honey, water, vanilla and maple flavorings (well I had imitation maple flavoring, close enough).  I forgot to put the vanilla and maple in the photo, so sue me.  The recipe seemed like it would make way more than we would be able to consume so I halved it.

Add the water, sugars and honey to a pot.  Bring it to a boil.  Cool 20 minutes and add your flavoring.  Wait another 40 minutes for it to cool and then pour into your container(s).

I washed out my syrup container and poured it in using a mixing bowl with a spout.  I had enough to fill the bottle and about 1/3-1/2 cup left over.  This bottle is 27.6 fl oz. 

Now, while I was simmering my syrup I was making the waffles.  However, my waffles did not turn out.  I did something wrong.  So I will try again and have waffles for dinner instead.  I did taste a bit of the syrup by itself and it tastes good!

DIFFICULTY: Easy peasy!
WORTH THE TIME: Yes. (as long as it tastes good on waffles and pancakes.)
COST SAVINGS: I dont' know but I'm sure it is way cheaper than buying store bought.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Yep.  Instead of recycling that bottle I re-used it!
RECOMMEND IT: YES, Just Try It Already!
TRY IT AGAIN: Yes, but next time I will try with dark brown sugar and real maple extract.

If you have another syrup recipe for me to try just let me know and I'll put it on my Just Try It Already! list.

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